Our Breeding Friends

Breeders below breed to the same high quality that we do,
and may share lines with us.

Vizcaya Vizslas
Nancy Edmunds, breeding high-quality Smooth and WireHaired Vizslas.
Located in Commerce, GA.
The source of our Smooth Vizsla female line.

Baroque Vizslas
Greg and Dennise Dutson, breeders of high-quality Smooth Vizslas.
Located in Riceville, TN.
Owner of the sire of our second litter ("Mojo", Am MBISS Silver GCh/Can RBIS GCH/Int’l Champion Renaissance Kiss’s Casanova JH ROM) and all around good people.

Our Show Friends

Professional handlers and non-Vizsla breeders that we recommend.

WesAnn's All Breed Handling
Kacie Davis, Professional Handler.
One of the best in the business, in our humble opinion.